Adding a Collection of Elements from a SQL Table or IDO to a BOD

You might want to modify an existing BOD to add elements based on columns in a table or an IDO. To add the elements through the Replication Document Elements form:

  1. Select the BOD on the Replication Documents form.
  2. Open the Replication Document Elements form linked to the BOD.
  3. Create a new element record with these values in the Primary tab:
    BOD Tag Name
    Leave this field blank or enter a tag name for the element group. This tag name will be an empty element, but it can be used to designate the tag start and ending point in the resulting BOD if Include Empty Element is selected.
    Value Type
    Set to Dynamic Subcollection.
    Dynamic IDO Subcollection Name
    Specify either a table (TABLE! plus the table or viewname, for example TABLE!itemcust) or specify an existing IDO (for example, SLItemcusts).
  4. In the Subcollection tab, set the Link Value to the column in the table from which the elements are taken, for example itemcust.item=item, which then links the table subcollection to the primary collection where item=item, or SLItemcusts.item=item for the IDO. Additional filter statements can be added to the Filter field.
    Note:  A collection name must be unique within the BOD. You cannot access TABLE!itemcust filtered on one record in the collection and then access it again on another.

    When you generate the BOD, it includes an element for each value in the table/view or IDO that matches the Link By and Filter statements. In our example, there would be an <itemcust> element generated for each item value in the BOD.