Viewing Received and Sent BODs

Business Object Documents (BODs) generated by the application are placed in a system outbox, where they are retrieved and sent them to other BOD-enabled applications.

BODs sent by some external applications to this application are placed by replication into a system inbox.

You can view this information about existing BODs in the Replication Document Inbox and Replication Document Outbox forms:

  • Whether the document has been picked up for processing
  • When the document was created
  • What system created it
  • What type of BOD it is (noun and verb)
  • The content of the XML in a read-only browser pane

From either of these forms, you can select a specific document and click Export XML to save the XML to a file name you specify.

Note:  If you need to view the documents in the outbox, make sure you configure Infor ION so that it does not delete the documents from the outbox after processing. See the Infor ION documentation.
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