Creating and Maintaining BODs

Use this process to build or change a Business Object Document (BOD) XML via metadata defined in system forms. BOD elements are often mapped to objects in system tables or collections, although certain elements may be specified as literals or calculated values that are not tied to any table or collection.

  1. Use the Replication Documents form to specify the general structure and conventions used by the BOD:
    1. Specify the Document Name, which is used only for internal reference.

      The actual BOD XML document name is specified by the BOD Noun and BOD Verb fields.

    2. Specify information about the IDO used to build the BOD.

      If no existing IDO collection fits the purpose of the BOD, you can use the Custom Load Method field, the Filter field, and the Ins Upd Del Overrides field to define a new IDO collection or custom load method specifically for the BOD.

  2. Specify when the BOD is to be used:
    • For outbound BODs (those generated by this application), click Outbound Cross-Refs.

      This opens the Replication Document Outbound Cross References form, which you can use to specify information about how this BOD is to be triggered.

      Note:  Do not use this option if this application is used only to facilitate integration between two other applications.

      See Examples: Function- and Table-Based BOD Generation.

    • For inbound BODs (those generated by some external system that will update some data in this application), click Inbound Cross-Refs.

      This opens the Replication Document Inbound Cross References form, which you can use to specify information about which replication document to use with a particular BOD noun and verb.

  3. Specify the BOD elements and attributes:
    Note:  This step applies only to BODs intended for applications that use the standard Infor BOD format. Generic BOD XMLs intended for other applications do not require these BOD header elements.
    1. On the Replication Documents form, click Add BOD Header Elements.

      This opens the Replication Document Elements form in Linked mode. This form displays with the appropriate header elements and attributes already defined.

      See About BOD elements and attributes.

      You can use this form to further define the elements (BOD tags) and the attributes of those elements, and map the elements and attributes as required.

    2. If this BOD is going to be used to publish deleted data, change the Value Expresson of the actionCode attribute from Replace to Change.

      This action is performed on the Replication Document Elements form, the Value Expression field. Make sure you are changing the actionCode attribute.

    3. Save the records and close both forms.
  4. Add elements to the body of the BOD, to produce the tags needed for the BOD:
    1. On the Replication Documents form, click Elements.

      This action opens the Replication Document Elements form again. This time you are adding elements to the body of the BOD, to produce the tags needed for the BOD.

    2. For each new element (tag), specify the required information and any optional data you want to add.
  5. After you define the replication document mappings for a BOD, you must do either of these things:
  6. If you update a replication document for a BOD that has been replicated previously, restart the ReplQListener service to clear the cache of old metadata for the BOD.
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