Issuing a Credit

Note:  In a multi-site environment, all invoicing (and crediting) must be done at the shipping site. All accounts receivable and inventory transactions also occur at this site.
  1. To preview all RMA line items that are ready to be credited, run the RMA Status Report.

    On this report form, select the To Be Credited check box, plus any other fields you want for your range. You may want to revise the range of records to print and post based on your review of this report.

  2. To generate an open credit memo for a customer, open the RMA Credit Memo form and process the RMAs.

    If an item is to be returned by the customer, the return must take place before the credit memo can be created.

  3. To post the credit memos created on the RMA Credit Memo form, use the Invoice Posting form.
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