Printing and Posting Checks

Caution:  The A/P Payment Generation utility resets most of the fields of the existing payment records. To avoid this, always post your manual checks using the A/P Check Printing/Posting form before running the A/P Payment Generation utility.
Caution:  You can void checks using the A/P Check Printing/Posting form only before you print the final register. Once you print the final register and post the checks, you cannot void checks using this form. For more information, see Voiding Posted Checks.

To print and post checks:

On the A/P Check Printing/Posting form, select the process to use:
  • Preliminary Check Register: Sets up a preliminary check register. If no checks need to be printed, a message to that effect displays. When you select this option, the system validates the check information, prints the register, and then returns you to the A/P Check Printing/Posting form so that you can continue with or exit from the process.
    Note:  You must print the preliminary register before you can print the checks.
  • Print A/P Checks: Prints the A/P checks from the preliminary register.
  • Void Check(s): Activates the options in the To Void group box so that you can void checks and then post them. Use this option if your checks printed incorrectly or were damaged. When you choose this option, the To Void group box is updated with information about the checks that are to be voided. When prompted, click OK to void the listed checks.
  • Print A/P Check Stubs: (Optional) Reprints the APCheckLaserStubs, APCheckSTD006Stubs, or APCheckANZStubs report for the checks in the collection, but leaves the check portion at the bottom blank. This option can only be selected after a Print A/P Checks or Void Checks option has been performed. Once the Final Register and Post has been performed, check stubs can no longer be printed.
    Note:  Check stubs print only for standard checks. Manual checks do not print checks; therefore, they do not print check stubs.
  • Final Register and Post: Prints a check register, posts the checks to the A/P Distribution Journal, creates posted transactions, and updates the vendor records. General Ledger journal records are created for the payment records, and the posted transaction vouchers are created for the amount paid and discount taken.
  • Print Remittance Advice: If the Manual option for Remittance Advice is selected on the Accounts Payable Parameters form, you must also select this option. To have the remittance advice statement processed for print, fax, or email on a vendor-by-vendor basis, also select the Use Profile check box. If you select this option but no manual checks exist in the check batch, the remittance advice will be blank.
  • Fill in the fields indicating the associated bank, check numbers, vendors, pay dates, and other information for the process.
  • Click Process.
  • If you exit from this form after printing or voiding checks but without running the Final Register and Post option, the system will void any records that are not already voided, and then automatically run the Final Register And Post option.
  • Checks that you post from A/P contain the reference type A/P and a reference number corresponding to the vendor number of the A/P check. During posting, multi-currency gains and losses are recorded to the A/P ledger distribution journal (if applicable).
  • If a discount is taken, the Discount field prints by itself on the line immediately following its corresponding voucher information. This line will also print the side label Discount whenever the line prints.
  • When you print and post checks, three fields on the Vendors form are updated for the vendor:
    • Last Paid Date: Date of the last posted payment for that vendor
    • Discounts YTD: YTD amount of a discount taken for a voucher for a vendor
    • Payments YTD: YTD payments made to the vendor in the current year
  • It is possible to modify the system so that you can print checks in a language other than your domestic language. To do so, you must modify the Source Code for the two stored procedures that handle A/P Check Translation: WordNumSp() and WordNumISp(), which are included with all CloudSuite Industrial distributions.
  • Check amounts print as both words and numeric amounts. Two lines are available to display the amount in words. Check amounts are limited to print billions or less. If the currency code is MXN or MXV, the check amount prints in Spanish, regardless of the specified language code, and billions are represented as "thousands of millions."
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