Creating a Manual Check

  1. On the A/P Payments form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify information in these fields:
    • Vendor: Select the number of the vendor you are entering the manual check for.
    • Payment Type: To create a manual check, select Manual Check.
    • Reapplication: If the manual check payment is for a reapplication, select this check box.
    • Check Number: Enter the check number for the manual check you are issuing.
    • Check Seq: Enter the check sequence number, or accept the default of the next incremental number. The system uses this number to keep the distributions in numerical order.
    • Check Date: Enter the check date, or accept the default of today's date.
    • Bank Code: This field displays the vendor's default bank code, but you can change it to the code of the bank from which the payment is being made (if applicable).
    • Notes: (Optional) Enter notes about the payment.
    • Reference: Enter the description that is to appear in the journals for this transaction, or accept the default, which is the APP followed by the vendor number.
    • Payment Amount: Enter the amount of the check.
  3. To save the payment, select Actions > Save.
  4. Select Distributions.
  5. Select Actions > New, and distribute the payment. See Distributing Vendor Payments Manually for more information.
  6. Print and post the check.
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