Previewing Item Price Changes

You can preview price changes on the Change Item Price form before you apply them. When you click Preview then Process, the system generates a report that displays the current prices as well as the new prices once the price changes are applied.

This table describes the price change reports:

Price Type Report Description
Item Item Price Change Report Displays a list of items, along with their effective date, currency code, price code, old item price and new item price.
Customer Customer Price Change Report For each customer, the report lists the items, old price, and new price. The Contract Price is also updated.
Order Customer Order Price Change Report For each order, the report lists the line number, item, currency, old price and new price.

If there are any errors, they will be on a separate Price Change Error report.

Note:  Records may change between the time the report is generated and the time the updated price changes are applied. For that reason, there may be minor discrepancies between the price changes printed on the report and the actual applied price changes.
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