Creating a New Item

For each item that is processed through your system, you can enter a record that will help you track and control all subsequent transactions that include the item.

  1. Follow the Setup Steps in Inventory Control Steps.
  2. Open the Items form, or the Multi-Site Items form if you are working in a master site.
  3. Turn off Filter-in-Place mode.
  4. Select Actions > New.
  5. Specify this information in the header:
    • In the Item field, enter a unique number, string of characters, or combination of characters and numbers to represent the item.
    • In the field below the item number, enter the item description, which will appear on reports and transactions.
    • If you are working in the Multi-Site Items form, specify the Site at which this item will be added.
  6. Specify other required and optional information, as described in the field help on the form.
  7. Save the record.
  8. Follow the "Day to Day Management" steps in Inventory Control Steps to set up related information about the item.
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