Copying Items

To copy one or more items, including their stockroom locations, current bills of material, and user-defined fields:

  1. Open the Copy Items form.
  2. In the From Items Beginning field, type the first few alphanumeric characters of the items you want to copy.

    The system uses the characters that you type in this field to search for all records of items that begin with the same characters. For more information, see the field description for From Items Beginning/From Item.

  3. In the To Items Beginning field, type the alphanumeric characters you want to use as the prefix for the new items.

    The characters that you type in this field appear at the beginning of every record in the To Item column of the grid after you click Process. For more information, see the field description for To Items Beginning/To Item.

  4. Select or clear the three check boxes (Copy User-Defined Fields, Copy Stockroom Locations, and Copy Current BOM), according to which item components you want to include in the copy action.
  5. In the Effective field, enter a date for which you want the copy action to be effective.
  6. Verify that the Preview option is selected.
  7. Click Process.

    The system displays a list of all matches for items with the same first characters as those you typed in the From Items Beginning field.

  8. In the Select column, select the item(s) you want to copy. If no items match what you expected or wanted, you can repeat Steps 2 through 7 until you obtain the desired results.
  9. Verify that the Commit option is selected.
  10. Click Process.

    The system processes all selected items. If any items cannot be processed, the system displays the appropriate error message in the Message column.

Note:  To copy an item to multiple sites in the same intranet, you can use the Multi-Site Items form.  However, this method does not copy the current BOM of the item. To copy the BOM for the item from one site to another, use the Multi-Site Biil of Material Builder.
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