Using the Engineering Board

The Engineering Board uses a graphical view to display a BOM. You can then build or modify that BOM on the form.

  1. Launch and populate the form in one of these ways:
    • From the Engineering Board form, click Open BOM to open another form where you select the BOM to load.
    • Click Engineering Board on one of these forms to load the associated BOM:
      • Items
      • Job Orders
      • Estimate Job Orders
  2. The full BOM is displayed using cards for these parts of the BOM:
    • Top Assembly
    • Sub-Assemblies
    • Operations
    • Materials
  3. Perform any of these actions:
  • Use the Find fields and button to locate an item type and number in the BOM.
  • Use the Next and Previous buttons to go to the next or previous occurrence of that item number.
  • Copy and paste operations and materials using the right-click menu on a card:
    • To replace an existing operation or material, right-click on the existing card and select Paste.
    • To add a new operation, on the desired Top Assembly or Sub-Assembly card, right-click and select Paste.
    • To add a new material, on the desired operation card, right-click and select Paste.
  • Use drag-and-drop to move a card from one place to another in the BOM. Click on the source operation or material and drag it to the target location.
  • To edit assembly, operation, or material information, on the desired card, right-click and select Details.

    For Top Assembly and Sub-Assembly cards:

    • When the BOM is for a current BOM, the Items form is launched.
    • When the BOM is for a job, the Job Orders form is launched.
    • When the BOM is for an estimate job, the Estimate Job Orders form is launched.

    For Operation and Material cards:

    • In the case of an operation, the corresponding operations form is opened.
    • In the case of a material, the corresponding materials form is opened.

    Perform the desired changes on the details form and close the form to return to the Engineering Board.

  • To delete an operation or material, right-click on the desired card and select Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. The system checks whether the record can be deleted, and either deletes the record or informs the user the record cannot be deleted.
  • To resequence materials within an operation:
    1. Select the operation or material where you want to resequence materials.
    2. After completing the resequence, close the form and return to the Engineering Board.
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