Scheduling the download of the exchange rates

You can schedule the download frequency of the exchange rates to refresh the data periodically.

Note: Only the users with the Administrator role can execute this process.

To schedule the download:

  1. On the Navigation Bar, go to Integration > Integrations. The Integration List view is displayed.
  2. Click Download Exchange Rate. The Integration Detail view is displayed.
  3. Click Schedule Rates Download and Refresh. The Run/Schedule job window is displayed.
    Note:  By default, the Schedule field is set to Scheduled Execution.. You cannot modify this value.
  4. Set the schedule for the job in the Create job schedule to run section. In this section, you can:
    • Set the frequency to hour, day, week, and so on.
    • Set the date range for the Exchange Rate job download.
    • Use the Compare option in the Date calendar to compare the time zones.
  5. Click OK.