Glossary of Terms

Access Rights

A user's ability to access data and use Infor CRM Network Client features. The system administrator creates a security profile for each user in Infor CRM Administrator, which determines each user's access rights within the Infor CRM Client.


A company with which there is a current or potential business relationship. Accounts are owned by an individual user, a team of users, everyone, or everyone (view only).

Account Manager

The user who is responsible for the account. The [account manager] does not have to be the account owner or a member of a team that owns the account.


A phone call, meeting, or other task (to-do or personal activity) that is scheduled and completed in Infor CRM.

Ad hoc

Groups based on selected records. Unlike groups based on conditional statements, ad hoc groups are static. The records remain the same unless you add or remove records from the group


A product that has been sold to your customer. Assets are the physical products the customer owns which may or may not be serialized.


A marketing initiative, such as a direct mail campaign. You can track which contacts or leads were included in the campaign and who responded to the campaign.


Notification of an activity where you are a member or the leader. You are notified when another user schedules an activity for you or when an activity that you are a member of is updated. If you are added as a member, you must confirm or decline the activity. If you schedule an activity with other members, you receive a notification when a member confirms or declines the activity.


A customer associated with an account that users interact with. Each account can contain one or more contacts.


An agreement which details specific support after the sale of a product.


A file of encoded information, stored on a user's computer, that identifies the user's computer during the current subsequent visits to a Web site.

Detail View

Displays in-depth information about a specific record.

Disconnected Web


A record describing a problem in a product or process. It is similar to a ticket, but is usually resolved by the people involved in the design or construction of the product.


A separate program installed and integrated with Infor CRM that enables you to share your Infor CRM activities and contacts with Microsoft Outlook


Leads are unqualified potential customers. You can schedule activities for leads, include them in a mail merge or add them to a campaign. You can also import leads from a list.

Lead Source

A method of tracking how your organization found out about the contact or opportunity, such as a trade show or advertisement.


A folder containing the entire contents of the Library, which is a repository of information, such as presentations and policies and procedures.

List View

Displays all records of a certain type in a spreadsheet format. Records can be organized into groups and viewed using tabs along the top of the view.


A tool you can use to find a specific record or multiple records that share a common characteristic (for example, accounts starting with "Ca").

Menu Bar

The menu bar contains the Infor CRM commands.

My Workspace

Navigation Bar

A toolbar located on the left side of the workspace that contains the buttons that open the major view.

Network User

Users with workgroup access who connect directly to the workgroup database.

Offline Web Client

Allows users to work without an active Internet connection. Users connect to their local database using the Web Client and use synchronization to transfer changes between the disconnected Web Client user's database and the main office database.


A potential sale to an account or contact.


A user or team of users with access rights to an account. The two system teams are Everyone and Everyone (View Only).

Past due

An activity is considered past due when the scheduled start time has expired and the activity does not have an alarm.

Personal Activity

A private obligation, such as a dentist appointment, that only the user who created the personal activity can view or modify.

Personal Workspace

Also referred to as My Workspace. Your personal workspace is the first page you see when you log in to the Infor CRM Web Client. You can customize your personal workspace and open it at any time from the Welcome button on the Navigation Bar.

Pick list

A pick list is a list of values you can select from when entering data in a field.


A prospect is an individual or organization that is a possible customer to buy your product and has gone through a qualification process.

Remote office

Group of Network Users on a local database in a branch office. The database synchronizes with the main office as a remote user would.

Remote user

Users with a local database that send and receive database changes using synchronization. A remote user can work from a notebook or desk top computer. Each remote user’s computer is considered an Infor CRM Remote Client and is assigned a site code.

Infor CRM provides features tailored to support the remote user. Remote users can review the changes made to their database each time they synchronize using What’s New. With subscription, remote users can minimize their database size and the time required to transmit synchronized data by selecting the specific accounts and contacts they want to store locally. Agents provide a way for remote users to request reports that include data not stored on their local database.


A report is an organized presentation of data. As a management tool, a report is used to provide management with the insight it needs to run and organization.


An agreement to accept returned products from a customer for service, replacement, refund, or credit.

Infor CRM Network Client

Network version of the Infor CRM Client application that supports Network Users.

Infor CRM Remote Client

Remote user version of the Infor CRM Network Client that includes synchronization, subscription, and a subset of the main office database. Remote client also refers to the computer used by remote users.

Sales Order

Tracks products purchased by your accounts. Sales orders include information such as, the date the sales order was made, the date the sales order was promised to the customer and its status.

Site code

Unique identification code representing hardware (computer or server) used by Infor CRM applications. Each computer or server has one site code. Users can have more than one site code if they use more than one computer. Web Client site codes are stored on the server, but are assigned to database changes as if a Web user were a network user.

Summary view

An alternative way of looking at information on a list view. The summary view consists of three columns of data with links and pop-up windows that contain additional information.


A suspect can be anyone in the universe who could perhaps buy your offer. You do not even know if a suspect is interested to your market. It can be an individual or organization with a potential need for your service or product.


Process that reconciles discrepancies between the information in remote databases and the network database. Synchronization reconciles these changes, applies changes to the network database, and creates files that remote clients can retrieve to update remote databases. More information

Task Pane

A pane located on the right side of the workspace that contains common tasks and features designed to help you complete your work. The available options depend on the record type and type of view where you are working.


A customer inquiry or complaint. A ticket contains virtually all information necessary to report, investigate, and close an inquiry or problem.

Unconfirmed activity

An activity confirmation that you need to confirm or decline. Unconfirmed activities do not appear on your calendar and you will not be reminded when an unconfirmed activity is about to start. You can manage unconfirmed activities in the Alerts and Activity List views.

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