Syntax support by provider

This table displays the write back syntax support by provider.
Note: The Native (non-ODBO) driver is used automatically in Alea ad-hoc reports and Alea formula reports. It cannot be selected manually .
This table shows which syntaxes are supported by which providers:
Syntax Description MS AS 2005/2008 MS AS 2012 Infor OLAP Server


(Ad-hoc report)

Infor OLAP Native

(Alea Ad-hoc report)

CPM Relational


#W Weighted allocation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#E Equal allocation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#W...% Weighted allocation by percentage No No No Yes No
#E...% Equal allocation by percentage No No No Yes No
&W Weighted. Increasing or decreasing by an absolute value Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
&E Equal increase or decrease by an absolute value Yes Yes No No No
&W...% Increasing or decreasing by a percentage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
&E ... % Equal increment Yes Yes No No No
#B Overwrite value of all base elements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
&B Add value to all base elements Yes Yes No Yes No
#D Overwrite data elements Yes Yes No No Yes
&D Add data elements Yes Yes No No Yes
#COPY Copy values from elsewhere No No Yes Yes No
&COPY Add copy values from elsewhere No No No No No
#COPYFULL As #COPY but also copies values calculated by rules No No Yes Yes No
&COPYFULL As &COPY but also copies values calculated by rules No No No No No
#LIKE Splash a new value with the same weighting as a value elsewhere No No Yes Yes No
&LIKE Add a value and splash it with the same weighting as elsewhere No No No No No
#LIKEFULL As #COPYFULL but with the addition of a Value parameter No No Yes Yes No
&LIKEFULL As &COPYFULL but with the addition of a Value parameter No No No No No
...?... Reallocation Yes Yes Yes Yes