Print Preview
In the Print Preview you can insert these format statements into the headers or footers of a report:
- Page numbers - &[page]
- Number of pages - &[pages]
- Time - &[time]
- Date - &[date]
- File path and file name of the report - &[file]
- Report name - &[view]
Note: With the exception of 'File path and file name of report', you can
also insert these statements in Page Setup
To select Print Preview, go to view mode and select
Each statement has a button in the toolbar which is enabled only when
the cursor is placed in the header or footer of the report. Or, you can write
the commands directly into the header or footer. For example, enter
pages into the header of the report to display
"Page 'n' of 'n' pages" on each page of the report.
Note: Alternatively, you can write these statements in the
Page Setup
To format the font, font-size, and text effects, such as italics, right click the text and select
.Other functions of the Print Preview include:
- Preview single, or multiple pages of a report.
- Display the non printable area.
- Switch to Page Setup.