Use VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP to find values in large lists. Use VLOOKUP when searching in columns and HLOOKUP when searching in rows.


You may have two tables or arrays of data containing different information. For example, Table A may contain a list of product codes and the total sales for each product. Table B has the same product codes but has the name of the products instead of the sales. In Table A you can see which product code had the highest sales but you cannot see the name of the product. You use VLOOKUP to look for the code in Table B and return the corresponding product name.

The range_lookup parameter specifies whether to look for an exact match (True) for the value you enter. If you use True, your data must be sorted in ascending order.


VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array,column_index_number



Lookup_value can be a reference to a cell containing the value you want to lookup.

Table_array is a range of cells.

The column_index_number is the number of the column from which the value is returned.