Creates an array in which the items are the numerical values of another array. Any TRUE and FALSE items in the source array are represented by 1 and 0. String values in the source array are replaced by the separator specified in ARRAYTOSTRING.




Cell C8 contains =ARRAY(123,456,TRUE,FALSE,"Test","a","b","c",",").

In cell G10 this function creates an array:


This function in cell G11 returns the contents of the array in G10 as a string:


The values returned in cell G11 are 123,456,1,0,,,,

That is, the numerical items in the array in cell C8 are included in the G10 array. The TRUE and FALSE items in the array in C8 are represented by 1 and 0. The alphabetical items in the C8 array are replaced by the comma separator specified in ARRAYTOSTRING.

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