With FINDKEYS you specify filters to extract specific keys from XML variables. The keys are extracted as XML so you could, for example, extract keys from one XML variable and write them to a second XML variable.


FINDKEYS("String xml definition","Key","Property name","value","separator")

Note: The function returns #VALUE! if you do not specify a separator, even if the function is used to return a single key.


This example returns the [Product] key from gv_setproperty:

=FINDKEYS(GlobalVariables.gv_setproperty.Text,"[product]","unique", "[product].[all tires].[car tires all season]",":")


This example returns [Product] and [Region] keys from gv_setproperty2, separated by a colon:
"[product].[all tires].[car tires all season]","[region]","unique",
"[region].[all regions].[europe]",":")