Matching purchase invoice lines

The following options are available from the Action menu:

  • Show Matched Orders - Highlight an invoice line and select this action to display the order lines that have been matched to this invoice.
  • Show Matched RN - Highlight an order line and select this action to display the receipt note lines that have been matched to this order.
  • Show Matched Invoices - Highlight an order line and select this action to display the invoice lines that have been matched to this order.
  1. To display all available orders and invoices that can be matched using the Purchase Invoice Matching (PIM) form, select Refresh from the Action menu. You can filter the available transactions to find specific lines by entering details in the header such as Supplier Code if this is known. This will display the available transactions for that supplier only.
  2. Specify this information:
    Purchase Transaction Type
    Supplier Code
    Item Code
    Currency Code
    Purchase Invoice Reference
    Purchase Order Reference
  3. There are two sections on the form which show all available transactions depending on any selections made in the header. The upper section contains purchase invoice line details and the lower section contains purchase order line details. Carry out the following steps to match the lines:
    1. Highlight the required Purchase Invoice line or lines in the upper section.
    2. Highlight the required Purchase Order line or lines in the lower section.
    3. Click Match.

    To highlight many lines you can hold down the Ctrl key and use the mouse to highlight lines. To select adjacent lines, highlight the first line, hold down the Shift key and highlight the last line with the mouse.

  4. Save your changes.