Creating temporary addresses

You can create a temporary address for many of the different addresses used on order and invoice lines. Specifically, these are the following:

  • Delivery address - on Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Purchase Invoices.
  • Supplier address - on Purchase Orders.
  • Invoice address - on Purchase Orders.
  • Order Address - on Purchase Orders.

From the Action menu within the order entry form select Temporary Address.

If this has been selected from Purchase Order Entry, the Select Purchase Order Temporary Address form is displayed. Select the required Purchase Address Type from the following options:

  • Supplier address
  • Invoice address
  • Order address
  • Delivery address.

To use an existing address record, click the Query button and navigate to the required record.

To create a new record, from the Action menu select OK. The Create Temp Address in Order/Invoice Entry form is displayed which contains the following:

  • Temporary Address
  • Supplier Details
  • Customer Delivery Details
  • Own Company Details.