DocumentFormatSetup - mandatory fields

When creating a document format(s), the following must be supplied:

  • Document Format Code - payload element <DocumentFormatCode>

  • Business Function Code - payload element <BusinessFunctionCode>

  • Description - payload element <Description>

  • Executable Name - payload element <ExecutableName>

When creating Consolidation Rules, the following must be supplied:

  • Consolidation rule - payload element <ConsolidationGroupName>

When creating tax filters, the following must be supplied:

  • Filter Definition Control ID - payload element <FilterDefinitionControlId>

Deleting Child Data

When deleting child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Document Format Code - payload element <DocumentFormatCode>

When deleting Tax Filter child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Filter Definition Control ID - payload element <TaxFilters.FilterDefinitionControlId>

  • Filter Sequence - payload element <TaxFilters.Sequence>

    Sequence is not a user-entered value, but it is possible for multiple records with the same FilterDefinitionControlId to exist, so system-generated Sequence determines the record to delete.

When deleting Consolidation Rules child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Consolidation Rules Group Name - payload element <ConsolidationRules.ConsolidationGroupName.ConsolidationGroupName>

Uwaga: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.