DocumentFormatSetup - methods


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to create a document format(s) if it does not exist, and to amend it if it exists. Whereas the Create and Amend methods require you to know whether the data does or does not exist in advance, this method can be used if you are unsure.

Uwaga: It is not possible to amend existing Tax Filters using the CreateOrAmend method. Tax Filter records have unique, system-generated sequence numbers, so running CreateOrAmend with <TaxFilters> data in the payload multiple times would create a new Tax Filter record each time. This would produce multiple Tax Filter records with the same Filter Definition Control Id.


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to delete document format(s) from SunSystems.

Uwaga: You cannot delete a DocumentFormat record if child data exists. When this occurs, use the DeleteChildData method prior to using the Delete method.


Driver type: SASI

This method deletes child data (Consolidation Rules and/or Tax Filters) but retains the parent record (DocumentFormat).


Driver type: Export

Use this method to extract document format(s) from SunSystems.