Replacing components

You can replace a component as follows:

  1. Select Find and Replace from the toolbar or View menu. The Find and Replace dialog is displayed.
  2. On the Replace tab enter the item code to be replaced in the Component Item field.
    Uwaga: If you have found a component by using the Find tab, this item code is shown in the Component Item field on the Replace tab.
  3. You can also specify the status of the BOMs to be searched for by checking one or more of the check boxes: BOM Approval Status - Unset, Approved and Rejected.
  4. Check Find All. The results of the search are displayed in the Search Result section of the dialog. The instances found where the component has been used in a BOM are highlighted.
    You can click the highlighted lines, or click Next to move to the next highlighted line, to show the item details in the Details dialog.
  5. Enter the item to replace the component in the Replace With field.
  6. To carry out the replacement of individual instances, highlight the required instance in the Search Result section. Click Replace.
  7. To replace all instances where the component has been used, click Replace All.