Exporting audit data

The folder into which the data is exported by default is dependent on your operating system. By default, in Windows Vista, Windows 2008 Server, and Windows 7, this folder is Installation Directory\Infor\SunSystems\Security\DataAudit. In Windows XP and Windows 2003, the export data is located in \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Infor\SunSystems\Security\DataAudit. If Security was installed in a different location, the file is stored in that location's Security\DataAudit folder.

To change this directory:

  1. Open the file SunSystems Installation Directory>\SunSystems.Security.Service.exe.config.
  2. Change the following line: <add key="AuditExportDir" value="" /> so that the value=”” string contains the directory to export to. For example, <add key="AuditExportDir" value="SunSystems Installation Directory:\SomePublicFolder" />
  3. Restart the Security service.
    It is important that you understand where the permissions to read and write the export file need to be assigned. The account running the Security service contains the permissions for writing the file.
  4. To export audit data in order to analyze it, from the File menu select Audit Data Export Wizard. The wizard guides you through the exporting process. Select the options, and follow the steps, as required.