Linking existing codes to an analysis dimension

A number of useful codes may have already been defined in your SunSystems implementation, if you are using the facilities that require this information. For example, if you are using Order Fulfilment you will have identified all of your inventory items, warehouses and product groups. If so, you can use them as the valid analysis codes for an analysis dimension.

The codes in the following SunSystems tables can be used to automatically populate an analysis dimension:

Analysis Table Id Description
1 Item
122 Warehouse
132 Employee
138 Address
148 Supplier
150 Customer
152 Chart of Accounts
157 Movement Type Definition
175 Unit Label
182 Purchase Type Definition
186 Sales Type Definition
204 Fixed Asset
206 Zone
285 Currency
701 Product Group

Creating Analysis Dimension Codes from an Analysis Table

When you create an analysis dimension using Analysis Dimensions (AND) you can refer to an existing SunSystems analysis table and uses the codes in that table to automatically populate the dimension. Any codes that exist on the analysis table are created as analysis codes for the analysis dimension automatically when the dimension is created. In addition, whenever any new codes are added to the analysis table they are also added as analysis codes for the analysis dimension. This means that you will not need to use Analysis Codes (ANC) to add any analysis codes manually for the analysis dimension.

Linking the Analysis Table Codes to the Analysis Dimension

You can also choose to link the analysis dimension to the analysis table. This ensures that any amendments and deletions to the source analysis table codes are also reflected in the analysis dimension codes.

Uwaga:  When you use existing analysis table codes to populate an analysis dimension, you must maintain the analysis table codes rather than the analysis dimension codes.

Any amendments to the following source analysis table code details are also made to the corresponding analysis dimension codes:

  • Name
  • Status
  • Lookup Code
  • Data Access Group Code.

When you delete a code from the source analysis table, it is also deleted automatically from the analysis dimension.

If there are any inconsistences between the analysis table and an analysis code, you can correct this by selecting the Synchronize or Synchronize All options from the Action menu in Analysis Codes (ANC).

Uwaga:  The Synchronize and Synchronize All options are only available if the analysis table is selected for the analysis dimension.