Changing budget ledger

Use Change Budget (CBG) to access a budget ledger, or to return to the actuals ledger.

The ledger you are accessing is identified by the ledger identifier, A to K, in the status bar at the bottom of each form. The actuals ledger is identified as A and the ten budget ledgers available are identified as B to K. See Identifying a Budget Ledger.

Uwaga:  When using this function, you are not automatically prompted to select the required business unit. If your operator setup and the form being used allow for multiple business units, you should use Change Business Unit (CBU) to ensure changes are made to the required business unit.
Uwaga:  You should be aware that different sessions may simultaneously be accessing different budget ledgers.
  1. Open Change Budget (CBG).
  2. Specify this information:
    Budget Code
    Enter the code of the actuals or budget ledger you want to change to.
    Uwaga:  Any sessions that are already open remain in the same ledger at the time the session was started. New sessions start in the newly selected budget, unless the menu function selected specifies a specific budget.