Running Control Desks

A control desk extracts data that meets any selection criteria required, and displays this data on the control desk output form. It displays the data at the level of detail or summary determined by the filter, as defined in Filter Designer.

The exact steps required to use a control desk depend on how the control desk filter and forms have been defined. However, some or all of the following steps may be required:

  1. If a SunSystems menu option does not exist for the control desk, select one of the following general inquiry menu options to use Control Desk Filter Selection to identify the control desk filter to be run and click Run.
    • Ledger Inquiry (CD)(LAQCD)
    • Movement Inquiry (CD) (MOQCD)
    • Sales Order Inquiry (CD) (SOQCD)
    • Purchase Inquiry (CD) (POQCD)
  2. Enter any run-time selection parameters required on the appropriate selection form. Click OK.
  3. The extracted data appears on the control desk output form, at the initial level of detail or summary determined by the filter definition. You can view, resequence, implode or explode this data depending on the filter and output form features.
  4. To pass selected data items on to another process, select the data items required and click Review.

    The selected items are listed on the Control Desk In-Tray.

  5. Refine the selections, select the batch process and click OK to launch this process.