Understanding the Payment Run Details Report
The Payment Run Details report is produced automatically by Payment Run (PYR) and Payment Collection Run (PYC), regardless of the payment run options you choose. This report identifies the payments being generated or collected, according to the payment run criteria.
This report can be used to preview the results of a payment run by setting the Post Transactions option to No. See Preparing for a Payment or Collection Run.
What Appears on the Report?
The report begins by printing the payment run selection details including the base date for payment, payment date, and any run time selection criteria. It also identifies the payment method being used for the payment run, for example, cheque, bank or other.
It then identifies each of the accounts selected for payment. For each account it lists the transactions selected for payment and then prints the total amount being paid for the account. If the Summarize option is set in Payment Run or Payment Collection Run, the report omits the transactions and only prints the payment totals for each account.
In a multi-currency environment, the base and transaction currency amounts and transaction currency code are printed. The report totals are analyzed by currency.
If the payment method is Bank or Other, the report also prints the bank subcode details for each account including the bank sort code and account code, and the bank transaction reference. These are the supplier or debtor bank details defined using Bank Details (BNK).
Once all of the accounts have been printed, the report prints the report payment total and then summarizes the payment run details.
If payment journals are generated and posted, it prints the payment journal number. It then lists the following totals:
- the number of payments generated
- the total value of the payments generated
- the total amount of discount taken
- the total amount of tax calculated on the discount
- the number of debits outstanding
- the total value of these debits.
Finally the report summarizes the bank account position. It prints the payment bank account number and name, its balance prior to the payment run, the total value of the payments paid from the bank account, and the closing account balance.