
  1. Specify this information:
    Post Transactions (On Import)

    This determines whether or not the transactions being processed are posted, and whether they can be posted if they contain errors. Three options are available:

    • Validate only - if this option is selected the transactions are validated but not posted.
    • Post - if this option is selected the transactions are validated, balancing transactions are generated to balance the journal if necessary and the journal is posted.
    • Post if no Errors - if this option is selected the transactions are validated and, providing there are no errors, posted. This can be overridden for an imbalance by using the Allow Bal Txns When Post if no Err setting described above.
    Allow Posting to Suspended Accounts

    If this is set, transactions can post to ledger accounts with a status of Suspended. If not, a transaction posting to a suspended account is treated as an error.

    Post Provisional

    If the Provisional Postings option in Ledger Setup (LES) is Optional and this Post Provisional option is set, the transactions are validated and/or posted as provisional transactions. If this option is not set, the transactions are validated and/or posted as permanent transactions.

    Post to Hold

    This option validates the journals and stores them as held journals on the Journal Hold file. This provides an additional level of posting control because they then need to be released from hold and posted. If this option is blank, the journals are validated and posted as provisional or permanent postings. See 'Holding a Journal to Delay Posting'.

    Ledger Code

    The ledger to which the transactions are posted. Select A to post actual journals, or B to K to select one of the ten available budget ledgers.

  2. Save your changes.