Understanding the Account Allocation Forms

Account Allocations (ACA) is a particularly powerful SunSystems function that enables you to match transactions. It can also be used to amend a variety of transaction details.

Because it can be used for different purposes, you may find there are several versions of the Account Allocations form available. These versions may be displayed separately on the SunSystems menu. Alternatively, when you run Account Allocations (ACA) you may be prompted to select a form on the Find Form List.

The following versions of Account Allocations are provided with the standard SunSystems Financials product:

Account Allocation Form Menu Shortcut Form characteristics
FULL AAFULL Displays all transaction details, allows you to allocate transactions and update any of the amendable transaction details.
ALLOCS AAAMEND Displays only limited transaction details and only allows you to amend the allocation marker and transaction description. Therefore, it restricts you to allocating transactions only.
PAYMENT AAPAY Displays transaction payment details and only allows you to amend these. You cannot use this version to allocate transactions.
ANALYSIS AAANLS Displays limited transaction details and only allows you to amend the description and transaction analysis codes

The Account Allocation Forms and Dialogs

The different versions of Account Allocations always include the following two forms:

  • the Selection Criteria for Account Allocation form which is used to select the transactions you wish to allocate or amend
  • the Search Results - Account Allocation form which lists the selected transactions and allows you to match transactions and/or amend transaction details.

The Search Results - Account Allocation form can display the following dialogs, depending on the circumstances:

  • Split Transactions dialog if you assign the Split allocation marker to a transaction or choose the Signed Split command
  • Allocation Multipart Split dialog if you select Multipart Split action, and choose the single currency form.
  • Allocation Multipart Split MC dialog if you select either the Multipart Split action and choose the multi-currency form, or if you select the Currency Split action.
  • Allocate All dialog if you select the Action All command
  • Allocation Range dialog if you select the Range Allocate command
  • Allocation View Totals dialog if you select the Allocation Totals command or are required to apply discount or generate transactions manually.
  • Account Allocation Difference Account Entry dialog if an account code is required to post exchange difference or discount amounts.

The Account Allocation Toolbar

The Search Results - Account Allocation form contains a number of specific functions required to allocate and amend transactions. These functions can be accessed from the Action menu.

The Action menu commands are briefly explained below, and any corresponding toolbar button is identified. Where a function is explained in detail in another topic a link is provided.

Menu Command Sub-Menu Command Toolbar Button Use
Currency Totals Base Currency Currency Totals Base Currency Displays the overall allocation totals in base currency
Transaction Currency   Currency Totals Transaction Currency Displays the overall allocation totals in transaction currency
Report/Second Base   Currency Totals Report Second Base Currency Displays the overall allocation totals in second base or reporting currency
Memo amount     Displays the overall allocation totals in memo currency
Fourth Currency     Displays the overall allocation totals in fourth currency
Fifth Currency     Displays the overall allocation totals in fifth currency
Post Post Post Updates the transactions and posts any generated transactions as permanent postings
Post Provisional   Post Provisional Updates the transactions and posts any generated transactions as provisional postings
Allocation Totals   Allocation Totals Displays the total of the allocated transactions
Swap window     Switches between the sections of the online allocation form and is only available on the Search Results - Ledger Entry - Online Allocation form
Action All     Allows you to change the allocation marker on selected transactions
FIrst   Go To First Displays the first transaction in the allocation grid
Previous   Go To Previous Displays the previous transaction in the allocation grid
Next   Go To Next Displays the next transaction in the allocation grid
Last   Go To Last Displays the last transaction in the allocation grid
Sort Ascending   Sort Ascending Sorts the transactions according to the selected column
Standard Text   Standard Text Allows you to enter standard text
Generate     Opens a Ledger Entry session to enable a journal to be posted
Refresh     Re-extracts all of the transactions for the account that satisfy the selection criteria
Clear Allocation in Progress    

Resets the 'Allocation in Progress' marker set on transactions with pending allocations from held journals.

Note that this is only available if the user belongs to an authorized data access group.

Signed Split     Allows you to split a transaction into two transactions
Multi Split     Allows you to split a transaction into several transactions
Currency Split     Allows you to split a transaction into several transactions including different currency values
Find     Finds transactions containing a particular value in a selected column.
Range Allocate     Allows you to change the allocation marker on a selected range of transactions

The Account Allocation Command Buttons

Account Allocations (ACA) contains the following command buttons at the bottom of the form. You may need to use several of these buttons, or the corresponding menu or toolbar options, to allocate transactions.

These buttons are briefly explained below, and the corresponding toolbar button is identified. The functions are explained in detail in other topics.

Command Button Toolbar Button Use
OK   Validates and accepts the current allocation
Exit   Leaves the Account Allocation form and returns to the menu
Post Post Posts the allocations, providing the allocations balance
Action All   Change the allocation marker on a group of transactions
Allocation Totals Allocation Totals Displays the allocation balance totals
Text Standard Text Allows you to enter standard text for the allocation
Sort Sort Ascending Resequences the extracted transactions for the selected column
Range Allocate   Allows you to change the allocation marker on a selected range of transactions
Signed Split   Allows you to split a transaction into two transactions
Multipart Split   Allows you to split a transaction into several transactions
Currency Split   Allows you to split a transaction into several transactions including different currency values
Clear Allocation in Progress   Resets the 'Allocation in Progress' marker set on transactions with pending allocations from held journals. Note that this is only available if the user belongs to an authorized data access group.
Cancel   Discards the details for the allocation