Deleting Provisional Transactions

In order to delete a provisional journal, or certain transactions within it, you must first recall the provisional journal via Ledger Entry (LEN), using the same steps described in 'Amending Provisional Transactions'.

Once you have recalled the provisional journal in Ledger Entry (LEN), select Action > Line > Delete to display the Journal Processing dialog. You can use an '*' asterisk to represent all transaction references or all lines within a transaction reference, or any combination of these, as described in the following sections:

To Delete an Entire Provisional Journal

Enter an '*' asterisk in the Transaction Reference field, and click OK. You must confirm that you want to delete the entire journal.

To Delete All Lines of a Specific Transaction Reference in a Provisional Journal

Enter the specific reference in the Transaction Reference field and an '*' asterisk in the Range field, and click OK. You must confirm that you want to delete the selected journal lines.

To Delete only Certain Lines of a Specific Transaction Reference in a Provisional Journal

Enter the specific reference in the Transaction Reference field and the required line number(s) in the Range field, and click OK. You must confirm that you want to delete the selected journal lines.

You can use any of the following example formats to delete ranges or groups of line numbers:

  • 1-3 to indicate a range of line numbers, from 1 to 3
  • 1,3,5 to indicate individual lines numbered 1, 3 and 5
  • 1-3,6,9 to indicate a range of 1 to 3, and also individual lines 6 and 9.
Note: If you are entering multiple lines to be deleted, use a comma as the delimiter between the line numbers. See also 'Entering Provisional Transactions', and 'Amending Provisional Transactions'.