The Ledger Entry Command Buttons

The Ledger Entry form contains the following command buttons at the bottom of the form. You need to use several of these, or the corresponding menu commands or toolbar buttons, to enter and post a journal.

These buttons are briefly explained below, and the corresponding toolbar button is identified. The functions are explained in detail in other topics and a link is provided to these topics.

Command Button Toolbar Button Use
OK   Validates and accepts the current journal line
Cancel   Discards the details for the current journal line
Post Post Icon Posts the journal, providing it is in balance and satisfies the validation rules
Hold Hold Jnl Icon Places the journal on hold
New Line New Line Icon Allows you to enter a new journal line for the current journal reference
New Reference New Reference Icon Allows you to enter a new journal line, with a new reference
New Journal Type New Journal Type Icon Allows you to select a different journal type for a new journal, after you have posted the current journal
Exit   Leaves the Ledger Entry form and returns to the menu