The Ledger Entry Menu and Toolbar

The Ledger Entry form contains a number of specific functions required to enter, amend, view and post journals. These functions can be accessed from the Action menu.

The Action menu commands are briefly explained below, and any corresponding toolbar button is identified. These commands are explained in detail in other topics and a link is provided to these topics.

Menu Command Sub-Menu Command Toolbar Button Use
Totals Currency Totals - Base Currency Currency Totals Base Currency Displays the totals in base currency
  Currency Totals - Transaction Currency Currency Totals Transaction Currency Displays the totals in transaction currency
  Currency Totals - Report/Second Base Currency Currency Totals Report Second Base Currency Displays the totals in second base or reporting currency
  Currency Totals - Fourth Currency   Displays the totals in fourth currency
  Journal Totals Journal Totals Displays the totals for all journal lines
  Reference Totals Reference Totals Displays the totals of transactions for the current journal reference
  Allocation Totals Allocation Totals Displays the total of the allocated transactions
Post Post Post Posts the journal, providing it satisfies the validation rules
  Post Provisional Post Provisional Posts the journal to the Provisional ledger, providing it satisfies the validation rules
Balances Account Balance Check - Base Currency   Displays the account balance details, in base currency, for the account on the current line
  Account Balance Check - Report/Second Base Ccy   Displays the account balance details, in reporting or second base currency, for the account on the current line
  Period Balances   Displays the debit and credit totals for each accounting period to which transactions are being posted in the journal
  Transaction Balances   Displays the debit and credit totals, for each transaction reference in the journal
Options Goto - First Ref   Displays the first journal line for the first journal reference
  Goto - Previous Ref   Displays the first journal line for the previous journal reference
  Goto - Next Ref   Displays the first journal line for the next journal reference
  Goto - Last Ref   Displays the first journal line for the last journal reference
  Amend Presets   Allows you to apply a different journal preset
  Amend Reference   Allows you to amend the current journal reference
  New Reference New Reference Allows you to enter a journal line for a new journal reference
  Create Without Presets   Allows you to enter the journal without applying the journal presets associated with the journal type
Line Go To - First Go To First Displays the first journal line
  Go To - Prev Go To Previous Displays the previous journal line
  Go To - Next Go To Next Displays the next journal line
  Go To - Last Go To Last Displays the last journal line
  New Line New Line Allows you to enter a new journal line
  Amend Amend Allows you to amend a selected journal line
  Examine   Allows you to view a selected journal line
  Delete Delete Allows you to delete a selected journal line
  Standard Text Standard Text Allows you to enter standard text
New Journal Type   New Journal Type Allows you to select a different journal type for a new journal, after you have posted the current journal
Recall Provisional     Allows you to recall a provisional journal
View Held Journals   View Held Journals Allows you to view and select a held journal
Cancel Journal   Cancel Journal Allows you to discard the current journal details
Hold   Hold Places the current journal on hold
View     Displays the entire journal
Report   Report Allows you to print the current journal details
Online Allocation   Online Allocation Allows you to allocate the journal transactions