A Quick Guide to Allocating Transactions After Posting

Use Account Allocations (ACA) to match selected transactions that have already been posted to an account. For example, you can use it to match a payment transaction to the transactions it has paid. You can also use it to amend selected transaction details.

Note: You can select the allocations for matching using a control desk. This replaces the first 3 steps below. See 'Selecting Transactions for Allocation via the Control Desk'.

Carry out the following steps to allocate transactions:

  1. From SunSystems select Account Allocations (ACA).
    Note: There may be many different account allocation menu commands, each of which is a tailored version of Account Allocations. See 'Understanding the Account Allocation Forms'.
    The Selection Criteria for Account Allocation form is displayed.
  2. Specify the allocation batch selection details.
  3. Click Extract to select the transactions that meet the selection criteria.
    See 'Extracting the Transactions for Allocation'.
  4. If there are several allocation forms available, then Find Form List is displayed and you must select the form you require.
  5. The Account Allocations form is displayed, listing all of the transactions selected for allocation. See 'Viewing the Transactions Extracted for Allocation'.
  6. If you wish to match transactions, you must set the appropriate allocation marker on the transactions to be matched. You can:
    1. Fully match selected transactions.
    2. Split and partially match a transaction.

    You can enter the first letter of the allocation marker you require to set it. For example, you can enter T to set the To Be Allocated marker.

    You can view the allocation totals to check that the allocations balance.

  7. If you wish to amend selected transaction details, you can use this form to:
    1. Amend a transaction's details.
    2. Amend the allocation marker on all selected transactions, or on a selected range of transactions.

    This option can be used to fully allocate a number of transactions at once.

  8. To enter additional text, from the Action menu select Standard Text. See 'Setting Up Standard Text'.
  9. When you have made all of the required allocations and amendments, select the relevant Post By currency. See 'Choosing the Allocations Balancing Currency'.

    The posting process may calculate and apply discount, write on or write off an imbalance, or post a gain or loss exchange difference journal to balance the allocations. See 'Posting Allocations'.

    See also 'Balancing the Allocations'.