What's New in Mongoose 9.03.11

This topic describes the changes made for Mongoose, Release 9.03.11. The changes listed here are in addition to or supersede other changes made (for 9.03.00 and 9.03.10), as described elsewhere in these release notes.

Right-to-left rendering

Mongoose now provides the ability to render applications from right to left. This is required for languages that require this approach to form and language rendering, such as Hebrew and Japanese. The changes in rendering are implemented when a user selects a Language that supports right-to-left (RTL) rendering.

When a language that supports RTL rendering is selected, some features are either not available or not affected. Specifically, SSRS reports are not supported in languages that use RTL. Some other features/components, such as gauges, diagrams, SoHo components, and User Components, are not affected and behave as they do with left-to-right rendering.

Support for Amazon Redshift databases

Mongoose now provides support for Amazon Redshift dabases, using outrigger profiles. The Outrigger Profiles form provides an option to create an outrigger profile for these databases.

See Outrigger Profiles.

Ability to refresh the IDO metadata caches across a server farm

System administrators and authorized developers now have the option to clear and refresh the IDO metadata cache across an entire server farm at the click of a button. There is a new form to facilitate the process, though the process can also be initiated via a command line.

See Refreshing the IDO metadata cache for a server farm.

FormSync enhanced for improved handling of FlexLayout components

We have improved the way FormSync handles the synchronization of customized FlexLayout components with new vendor versions. Each FlexLayout component now has an additional attribute to assign IDs to FlexLayout regions within the component. The default names for these region IDs are dependent on the user's scope.

In addition, all components contained within a FlexLayout component now have an attribute that signifies what region the component is contained within. This new attribute allows for the movement, insertion, or deletion of regions in the FlexLayout component, while still maintaining the correlations between regions and their contained components.

See FlexLayout properties and attributes,