Updates to the Application Event System

This topic lists and describes changes to the Application Event System.

Display of variable names in drop-down lists

In the Application Event System, any drop-down list for variables now show the variable names that have been entered into the Variable Access tab for any Notify or Prompt action in the handler. These variable names also display wherever else we display a list of variable names for the selected handler.

Previously, the drop-down lists for variables included only variables entered and saved using the Parameters tab of the Event Actions form. This change allows these lists to display also variables entered and displayed on the Variable Access tab.

This means, among other things, that the names of all variables that have been defined on any Notify or Prompt action for the current event handler are now displayed:
  • On the Variable Names list on the Event Action Set Values Editor
  • On the Expression list on the Event Expression Editor
  • In the Name column under the Variable Access tab on the Event Actions form (which also now displays payload variables when it is appropriate to do so)

Event actions that operate on IDOs in an external application

We created four new event actions that can be used to perform IDO operations on external Mongoose applications. The four new actions are Dispatch IDO Method, Dispatch Load Collection, Dispatch Load IDO Row, and Dispatch Update Collection. These new actions work in similar fashion to their internal application counterparts (Call IDO Method, Load Collection, Load IDO Row, and Update Collection, respectively).

Each of the new actions also has its own associated event action form.