Time Phased Budget vs Actuals by Project/ Activity/ Cost Component
The Time Phased Budget vs Actuals by Project/ Activity/ Cost Component report displays the time phased budget data and actual cost data of the project for the current and the cumulative periods, at the cost component level. Time phasing is based on the Earned Value (EV) method defined for the activity.
To generate the report, specify:
- Company
The code of the company.
- Currency Type
The type of the currency used for the project.
- Project
The code of the project (range) for which the report is generated.
- Activity
The activity linked to the project.
- Period (Monthly)
The periods of the year (range) for which report is generated.
The report displays this data:
- Cost Component (Description)
The cost component linked to the project.
- Currency
The project currency.
Note: This value is based on the Currency Type, specified in the settings. - Period/ Cumulative
- Year
The current/ cumulative year for which the report is generated.
- Period
The current/ cumulative period of the year for which the report is generated.
- Budget
The budget allocated to the project in the current/ cumulative period. The Bottom-up budget specified in Infor LN (all budgets are considered irrespective of the status). This budget is Time Phased based on the Earned Value Method of the activity.
- Actual Cost
The actual cost incurred on the project in the current/ cumulative period.
- Balance Budget
The balance amount in the current/ cumulative period, calculated using the formula:
(Budget - Actual Cost)
- Balance Budget %
The balance amount expressed as a percentage:
((Budget - Actual Cost)/ Budget) * 100
- Year