Generating Warehouse Replenishment Planning Information

On the Warehouse Replenishment Planning Generation form, click Process to generate the planning data that populates the Warehouse Replenishment Planning form.

For each warehouse, the system performs a time-phased inventory. This is based on orders assigned to that warehouse, versus any replenishment scheduled for that warehouse for each planned item that is not a consumable for a user defined number of days into the future. The warehouses are processed in a bottom up process based on their hierarchy. The lowest level warehouse is a service van or truck, which is replenished from a primary or distribution warehouse. The warehouses are processed up the hierarchy until all service warehouses have been processed.

The quantity on hand is adjusted by demand on that warehouse, including the demand from planned transfer orders created when processing lower level warehouses. If the quantity on hand falls below the safety stock or goes negative, the system will:

  • Use the days supply field to look ahead a specified number of days and specify a quantity required from upcoming demand.
    • If the quantity required is less than the order minimum, the quantity to order is assigned to the order minimum.
    • If the quantity required is more than the order maximum, the quantity to order is assigned to the order maximum.
    • If the quantity to order does not meet the order multiple criteria, the quantity to order is adjusted accordingly.
  • If the PMT Code = Transfer Order
    • Create a tentative transfer order from the supply warehouse to the service warehouse for the quantity to order.
  • If the PMT Code = Purchase Order
  • Create a tentative purchase order for the service warehouse for the quantity to order assigned to the primary vendor.
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