Setting Up Ship To Customers

  1. On the Customer Ship-Tos form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the customer to set up as a ship to customer.
    The name of the customer is displayed.
    Ship To
    The next ship to sequence number is displayed for the customer.
    Select this check box to use customer ship tos. Clear the check box to deactivate customer ship tos.
  3. Save the record.
  4. On the Address tab, specify the address information for the customer.
  5. Specify this information on the Codes tab:
    Ship Site
    The site that normally ships orders to this customer is displayed.
    Optionally, select a warehouse to use by default for this customer ship-to.
    Ship Via
    Select the preferred shipping method to use for this customer.
    (Ship Via Description)
    A description of the ship via code is displayed.
    Service Partner
    Select the preferred partner to use for performing service for this customer.
    Select the region that the service partner covers.
    Misc Cost Markup Table ID
    Select the cost markup you want to use.
    Select the salesperson who is responsible for this customer.
    Select the customer's language.
    Select the customer's currency.
    End User Type
    The end user type set up for the customer is displayed, if applicable.
    Priority Code
    Select the priority code to use when a service order is created by this customer.
    Tax Code
    In an item-based tax system, select the exemption code for customer or leave this field blank.In an area-based tax system, select a tax code that identifies the tax rate for this customer.
    Tax ID
    Specify the federal identification number for the ship to customer.
    Branch ID
    If applicable, specify the branch ID.
  6. On the Contacts tab, select the primary contact for the customer.
  7. Save the record.

Click Interactions to launch the Interactions form, filtered for the current customer and ship to.

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