Moving Local Customers

Use the Move Local Customers form to move an existing local customer record to a new local customer record with a number that already exists in another database.

To move a record, these conditions must be met:

  • The current customer and sequence (Ship To) combination exists in Site A (where the utility is being run).
  • The new customer and sequence combination does not exist in Site A.
  • The new customer and sequence combination exists in Site B.
  • Currency codes of the current customer and the new customer are identical.
  • The corporate customer on both the current customer and new customer must match.
  • If the current customer sequence is 0, the new customer sequence must be 0.

To perform a move:

  1. On the Move Local Customers form, specify this information for the current customer:
    Current Customer
    Select the local customer record that you want to move to a new local customer record.
    Ship To (Current Customer)
    Balance Method (Current Customer)
    The balance method (Open Item or Balance Forward) is displayed for the current customer.
    (Current Customer Address)
    The current customer's address is displayed.
  2. Specify this information for the new customer:
    New Customer
    Select the global customer number where the current customer is to be moved. The new customer cannot be in same site as the current customer.
    Ship To (New Customer)
    Select the global Ship To number where the current Ship To is to be moved.
    Balance Method (New Customer)
    The balance method (Open Item or Balance Forward) is displayed for the new customer.
    (New Customer Address)
    The new customer's address is displayed.
  3. Click Process.
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