Authorizing Vouchers

  1. On the Purchasing Parameters form, activate voucher authorization.
  2. Create vouchers.
  3. To select the vouchers to post, run the Voucher Authorization utility.

    This utility examines vouchers and determines whether they can be posted. The default selection processes all vouchers and adjustments. None of the selection criteria fields is required, but you can use them to limit the number and type of vouchers the system processes.

  4. In these fields, select the range of values to include in the process:
    • Ending Authorizer
    • Voucher
    • Invoice Date
    • Vendor
  5. Select the Authorization Status of the vouchers you are authorizing: matched or failed.
  6. Select Preview and click Process to view the results without saving the results in the database.
  7. Select Commit and click Process to authorize the vouchers.
  8. Post the authorized vouchers.

    If Voucher Authorization is not activated, follow your usual posting procedure to post vouchers.

Note: When you first activate the Voucher Authorization feature, the system assigns an authorization status of Failed to all unmatched and unposted vouchers.

To manually change the status of an individual voucher, use the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form. Every time you modify a field on the voucher, or if you attempt to change the status of a voucher, the system informs you that the authorization status will be changed to Failed.

You cannot post vouchers with a status of Failed.

If the Voucher Authorization feature is not activated, voucher posting in the system remains unchanged.

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