Adding and configuring a mailbox

You can add and configure a mailbox that is used in the email channel.

  1. Log in as CMsetup administrator.
  2. Access Case Management from the navigation menu.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click General.
  5. Click Email Channels.
  6. Click Case Creation.
  7. Click Mailboxes.
  8. Click Add Mailbox or select a mailbox.
  9. Specify this information:
    Mailbox Address
    The full name of the mailbox to which employees send a manual email or to which a system-generated email is sent.
    Variable Topic
    Set to Yes if the topic value for the case is passed as a variable in the body of a system-generated email. If a variable, it must be enclosed with square brackets on the second line of the email body. The case topic and employee default population determine the service group to which the new case is routed, based on configuration in the routing manager.
    Default Topic
    Select a topic to apply to the case. The default topic serves as a safety net in the event of an invalid variable value in the Topic field.
    Default Subject
    Specify a subject to apply to the case. The default subject serves as a safety net in the event that the original email did not have a subject.
    Identify Sender Field

    The means by which the sender is identified as an employee of your organization in a system-generated email. Set to FromEmailAddress if you want the system to match against the email addresses in the system user table. Set to UserIDinBody if you want the employee’s unique user ID to be passed as a variable. If a variable, it must be enclosed with square brackets on the first line of the email body. If variable is passed to identify the sender who is the employee name on the case, you have the option to pass a variable for the Regarding name as well. The variable for the regarding employee’s user ID must be enclosed in square brackets on the fourth line of the email body.

    Variable Show
    Set to Yes if the Show Case To Employee value for the case is passed as a variable in the body of a system-generated email. If a variable, it must be enclosed with square brackets on the third line of the email body. Set to No to use default setting, which makes all email channel cases be shown to the employee, where they can view them through the Ask HR self-service module.
    Allow Attachments
    Set to Yes if you want attachments to be saved in the original email as file attachments to the case. Valid file types: doc, docx, eml, gif, jpg, msg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf, tif, txt. If the original email contains an invalid extension type it is logged for reference in the Case Submitted through Channel Email - Attachment Issue notification. Set to No if you do not want to save attachments.
    Allow Links
    Set to Yes to save URLs that are in the original email body as link attachments to the case. Set to No if you do not want to save them.
  10. Click Add or Update.