Dashboard Transactions
You can use this form to clock in, clock out, start a job or task, and report the completed quantities.
Employee and Transaction Entry
Specify this information on the Dashboard Transaction form:
- Transaction date: The date on which the transaction is performed.
- Transaction time: The time at which the transaction is performed.
- Transaction mode: The mode of the transaction.
- Employee: The employee number.
- Report Date: The date on which the transaction is reported.
Validations occur on the combination of information entered to determine the report date on which a transaction will occur. They also determine the transactions that may be performed based on the status of the employee at the selected date and time of the transaction.
Add Job
Specify a new job or task for this employee. The fields are displayed only when the selected employee is clocked in for the specified transaction date and time.
Specify this information:
- Order Type
- The type of job order. The Possible values are:
- Indirect
- Project
- PCS Project
- Production Order
- Service Order
- Depot
- Setup
- If this check box is selected the setup time is updated for the employee
with elapsed working hours.
Note: This check box is displayed only if the value in the Order Type field is Production Order.
- Order Number
- The job order number.
- Operation
- The code of the operation.
- Item
- The item number.
- Task Code
- The code of the task.
- Work Center
- The name of the work center.
- Machine
- The machine code related to the Production Order.
Note: This field is displayed, only if, the value in the Order Type field is Production Order and the Combine Labor and Machine check box is selected in the Employee form.
- Machine Ratio
- The machine ratio determines the labor that is reported for the machine.
- Current Job
- View the current job or task for this employee. These fields display only
when the employee is on a running job at the selected transaction date and
- If the Operation is a Machine operation and if the combine labor and machine check box is selected for the employee type, the Machine field is displayed on the RealtimeTransactionEntry.TS and the Dashboard Transaction forms. The field is editable and allows the user to enter an alternate machine/resource value.
- The user can specify a value either in machine field or in the resource field.
Records Grid
The fields for the employee records are displayed only when an employee has activity for the selected report date.
These options are displayed based on the combination of transaction date, transaction time, and employee number specified in the Employee and Transaction Entry section.
- Clock In
- Clock Out
- Job Start
- Job Stop/Start
- Lunch Out
- Lunch In
- Break Out
- Break In
- Start Workset
- Stop Workset