UpdateCurrentStatePostSave method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Performs operations related to the current object in a collection that WinStudio normally performs after a save current operation (see "Remarks" below).


object.UpdateCurrentStatePostSave( )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.


This method is designed to be used in conjunction with the SaveCurrentDeferStateUpdate method. The operation of the two methods on the current object in a collection is similar to the operation of the UpdateStatesPostSave method and the SaveDeferStateUpdate method on all objects in a collection.

This method does not save the object and must be used with caution because data changes appear to have been committed to the database.


Sub Main()
   Dim bSuccess As Boolean
   Dim ReturnValue As String
   bSuccess = ThisForm.CurrentIDOCollection.SaveCurrentDeferStateUpdate()
   If (bSuccess) Then
   End If
   If (bSuccess) Then
   End If
   ReturnValue = "-1"
End Sub
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