TreeSetNodeForeColorAt method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, tree objects


Sets the text (foreground) color for a specific node.


object.TreeSetNodeForeColorAt( string1, string2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid tree component object.
string1 Required. The tree node ID (GUID) or node index series.
string2 Required. The RGB color specification.


Colors are to be defined in RGB string format (Red,Green,Blue). Valid numeric values of 0-255 are accepted. If an invalid RGB string value is given, that color specification is ignored. Also, an empty string is interpreted as a 0,0,0 RGB value.


'Set foreground color to red.
ThisForm.Components("graph1").TreeSetNodeForeColorAt("<guidTreeNodeID>", "255,0,0")
'Set foreground color to yellow.
ThisForm.Components("graph1").TreeSetNodeForeColorAt("2,0", "255,255,0")
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