TreeSetNodeFontAt method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, tree objects


Sets the text font for a specific node.


object.TreeSetNodeFontAt( string1, string2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid tree component object.
string1 Required. The tree node ID (GUID) or node index series.
string2 Required. Consists of fourteen comma-separated values:


For more information about these values, see "Settings" below.


  Setting   Description
Size A decimal value representing the point size.
Weight Range from 0 (non-bold) to 700 (bold).
Italic 0 = Normal text.

1 = Italicized text.

Underline 0 = Text not underlined.

1 = Text underlined.

Strikethrough 0 = Normal text.

1 = Text struck through.

FontFamily Name of the font to be used.


'Set to 12-point bold Times New Roman.
Dim fontDescriptor As String = "12,0,0,0,700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Times New Roman"   
ThisForm.Components("tree1").TreeSetNodeFontAt("My Tree Node ID", fontDescriptor)
ThisForm.Components("tree1").TreeSetNodeFontAt("2,0", fontDescriptor)
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