Using the Update _All Tables Form

In a system with multiple sites in different databases, use the Update _All Tables form to populate _all tables at the local site or at other sites on the same intranet. You can also use this form to truncate the tables or to delete site (or non-site) records. Note that replication rules for the selected tables must exist between the sites in order for _all table population to occur.

Note:  This form lists only those tables that are shareable. If all of the internal sites (that is, sites on an intranet that is not set to External) which are listed on the Sites or Sites/Entities form reside in the same application database, this should be an empty list.
Caution:  Use this form with great care.  See additional information about using the Update _All Tables form in the Replication Reference Guide.

If any errors occur during processing of a table, the error is displayed in the Message field.

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