Handling Replication Data and Communication Errors

This diagram shows the processes that handle errors that occur when sending or receiving XML request documents through this application's replication system:

Error Flow

Replication Tool (Inbound or Outbound Flow)

If errors happen while replication is processing an inbound or outbound request, you can use the Replication Tool on the utility server to perform these tasks:

  • View, correct, and resubmit inbound and outbound XML request documents
  • Configure certain types of replication information, and
  • View the status of sites linked to this site for replication.

The Replication Tool can be used to view errors in any XML being sent from this application to a different intranet or external system. To start this tool on the utility server, select Start>Programs>Infor>Tools>Replication Tool. Online help is available for the tool.

Replication Errors Form (Inbound Flow)

If an inbound XML document makes it into an intranet, is retrieved from the inbound MSMQ by the Replication Listener, but fails when executed against the target site (that is, during application database updates), its errors are displayed in the Replication Errors form on the target site. Generally these documents contain valid login and target site information but are failing for another reason. In the Replication Errors form, you can view and correct the errors, and then resubmit the request.

If an inbound XML document fails before that point, you can view and correct it through the Replication Tool.

Processing Requests in the External Application

After this application posts an XML request to the designated URL for an external application, this application no longer controls what happens to the request. It is up to the external application to process the request. However, you can set up the external application so that it sends status messages to the External System Transaction Log. For example, you might set up the application to return status information about whether the transaction was successfully processed.

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