Example:Truncating _All Tables

If the item_mst_all table is corrupt in a system with  non-master sites in separate databases, you could use the Truncate Tables button on the Update _All Tables form this way:

  1. Select item_mst_all in Site A and click Truncate Tables. This truncates the item_mst_all table in Site A.
  2. Select item_mst_all in Site B and click Truncate Tables. This truncates the item_mst_all table in Site B.
  3. Select item_mst_all in Site A and click Repopulate Tables (leave the Disable Replication check box cleared). This adds all of item_mst records where site_ref = 'Site B' to the item_mst_all table in both sites A and B (assuming that site B is replicating item_mst_all table to Site A).
  4. Select item_mst_all in Site B and click Repopulate Tables (leave the Disable Replication check box cleared). This adds all of site B's item_mst_all records in both sites A and B.

In this example, either site can have bad data, or both sites can have bad data. The item_mst_all tables in both sites are repopulated entirely from scratch.

Note:  The Truncate button only truncates if there is an actual table in the current site. This is true in the master site of a shared environment, or in a multi-site, multi-database environment. In an environment that has a shared view, a delete on the current site is performed instead. If you want to perform a delete on another site, use the delete buttons instead of the Truncate button.
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