Setting Token Authentication in Mongoose Applications

One option to increase security and control access to your system is to use a token-based authentication service in tandem with the normal Mongoose login credentials. With this type of system, users must enter not only their user IDs and passwords, but also a second password, or passcode, obtained from a hardware or software token.

To use a token-based authentication service in a Mongoose application:

  1. Purchase access to the RSA SecurID token authentication service.

    At this time, the RSA SecurID service is the only token authentication service supported in Mongoose. You are responsible for purchasing and setting up this service for your system.

  2. Configure your Mongoose application to work with the token authentication service. This involves these basic procedures:
    • Install and configure the Token Authenticator Service on the application (utility) server, using the Mongoose Configuration Wizard. This service is installed and run as an optional IIS service but is required for token authentication of applications. This service can be used by many Mongoose-based applications simultaneously.

      See the Mongoose Installation Guide.

    • Configure the application in the Configuration Manager.
    • Set the passcode mapping for each user who will be using the service.
    • Let each user know how to use the token to sign in.
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