Help Menu

The Help menu provides a number of options for accessing the online help, as well as for getting information about the system software and any form you might have open.

Note:  All help topics display in the default Web browser for your system.
Menu option Description/Comments
Contents and Index Opens the online help in its own browser window, displaying the Contents in the left pane and the initial help topic in the right pane  

This can be especially useful when you want to:

  • Browse help topics for general learning purposes
  • Use the Index or Search functions to find information about a specific topic or feature
Current Form Opens the online help to the topic for the currently active form
Current Field Opens the online help to the topic for the currently selected field or other component
About [Application] Opens an informational window that presents information for the application you are using:
  • Copyright notice
  • Database configurations
  • Your user login ID and editing permissions
  • Optionally, a custom message created by a system administrator
About This Form Opens the About This Form information window, which presents this information for the currently active form:
  • The name and original caption of the form
  • The version of the form
  • The name of the parent form, if any
  • Which collection is currently selected
  • The name of any permanent or user-defined filters in use
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